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  • Company Profile

    Our About Us

    Since 2019 with the group of business investors and entrepreneurs

    “United Friends Abilities-Group of Companies” is a company that aims to make successful and developed businesses in Myanmar and enable the new generation of entrepreneurs to establish successful businesses in a systematic way, and in doing so, it will provide the necessary advice, business connections and support. UFA-GOC is founded by U Tin Win Aung and (14) founders to promote businesses of writing reports on environmental sustainability, construction, human resource management, digital marketing and marketing connection for businesses.

    Second content

    Our Purpose

    Company’s Mission, Visions & Value

    To lead the changes of organization for systematic and successful culture.
    To be the best in construction field and consultancy scopes.
    To create substainable value by providing reliable and effective services.

    Our Mission
    Create a future of mutual benefits with our stakeholders and be as a trusted company with integrity
    Our Vision
    Ethic, Integrity, Commitment Mutual ,Benefits, Creative ,Innovation
    Our Value

    Our Team

    Board of Directors

    U Tin Win Aung
    U Than Aye
    Dr Maung Maung Soe
    U Khin Maung Aye
    U Thit Lwin
    Thura U Myo Tin

    QA/QC Control Section

    1.  Daw Hla Hla Thwe                                    P.E ( 0887)                   Director (Construction)
    2. Daw Nyunt Nyunt Win                             P.E (1238)                     Director (Construction)
    3. U Aung Chit                                                P.E (0956)                     Mechanical (MPM)
    4. U Hla Kyi                                                     R.S.E (2476)                 E.E (Civil)
    5. U San Myint                                                R.S.E (1375)                  Water Supply & Sanitation
    6. U Myo Chit                                                  R.S.E (1375)                  Electrical (BS)